
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Escondido Full Moon

Thursday was the night of the full moon.  We were both at the Escondido house during the day for some yardwork followed by patio dining with Mom and Diane (Gail's sister).  Gail suggested we do some night photography around the yard she so lovingly tends to and fondly remembers over the years.  It is a real nature reserve with animal habitat in the palms, pepper tree, and various other trees and shrubs.  The home used to be surrounded by countryside, but is now surrounded by neighbors.  Still, the yard is an oasis of cool shade and beautiful plantings.  Red-shouldered hawks, hooded orioles, bats, rats, and coyotes are some of the frequent visitors.
View from the garage top patio (above and below).

The pet cemetery.
Gail's family planted these palms - now look at them!  They are home to various birds, including owls, and bats and rats.
The pepper tree is the beautifully gnarled lord of the yard.
Gail has been shifting plantings to more drought tolerant cacti and succulents.  This one seems to be saying, "Don't mess with me!"  Goodnight, moon!

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