
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Walk back from Ano Nuevo Point

Gail, Nick, and I took the long way back to our car by hiking down the beach.  The surf was high and dramatic.

Looking back at the house on Ano Nuevo Island.

There was one e-seal on the beach, and this was way beyond Loser Beach.  Poor fellow!

There were many beautiful and varied rocks on the beach to examine.

That's our bull e-seal in the background.

Rocks, sand, and light play together.

The next few photos Nick took, and you can see he has an artist's eye!

Who could ever get tired of sunsets and pelicans!

Checking out black sand in front of a cave.

This smoothly sculpted rock just begged to be sat in!

A look back at the island.

Nick and the glow of sunset.

A beautiful end to a mighty fine day.

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