Our destination was Zim Zim Falls, in the northeast corner of Napa County, a BLM area that is a wildlife corridor between Lake Berryessa and Clear Lake.
There was this one tree with these yellow fist sized fruit on the ground that we could not identify. We tried Googling "Alien cornball fruit", etc. but had no luck. Anyone know what this is? (That means you, Andria).
The first couple miles is a nice, flat, amble up the creek.
A Pacific Tree Frog at water's edge.
We had to cross the creek mumerous times, but thanks to Gortex, our feet stayed dry.
Let's play "guess the object". This is a ____________ ...
... bottom of an old enameled kettle. You can see the little holes where the spout went.
Spring has sprung for these two buckeye butterflies.
Nick, sniffing out fungi like a beagle.
After a steep climb in elevation, we spotted the falls.
We scrambled to the base of the falls like moths to flame, or ticks to blood.
Nick leaning at a precarious angle. At the bottom was a nice sized pool, maybe ten feet deep. This would be a good swimming hole later in the year.