
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mysterious Deck

Today, I hiked up Oat Hill Mine Trail, and at the top, took a lightly used trail onto the new Land Trust area. After about a half mile, I left that trail and headed to the base of a tall cliff that was screened off by some Douglas Firs. Surprise! I discovered a deck built into the opening of a cave.

At first, I thought this was a mine - wrong. I think it is just a hangout for the ranch folks. Down below was an old stone foundation, and a more recent BBQ setup. Maybe this was/is their hunting camp.
It was well-built and very secluded. It was also built around a tree.

A pretty cool place to hang out, I think. Overhead were 20 -30 ravens doing aerobatics - I think this is their home, as I saw them above the same cliff last spring.

Nearby was a pool fed by a spring that looked deep enough to soak in on a hot day. Well, that's it for today - time to eat!


Dave said...

Cool find, Bob. Looks like you've located another gem of a spot.

Andria said...

Wow! That would look nice strung with some little white lights....some cerveza on us.