I took a break from house projects and went out to the Napa Marsh this afternoon. It was so pleasant and relaxing to hike, sit, and watch the bird life. Light breezes and T-shirt weather didn't hurt, either.

Snowy Egrets feeding in the muck.

A group of American White Pelicans flying out to a sandbar.

Pelican flight formation - like they're on an invisible rope.

A brief feeding dispute...


Egrets are quite comical to watch.

Egret Island. A place to rest on the leeward side of the pickleweed.

Pelican Island

American White Pelicans feed cooperatively by herding small fish into a ball and then encircling them - or something like that. They do not plunge dive, and prefer to stick to sheltered waters.

Looking back at "Pelican Island" from the other side. Behind them is a tight flock of possibly Avocets.

Pelicans in Wine Country - life is good!

Evolved from a lizzard - what perfection!

This is a big bird! American Wite Pelicans have a wingspan of 108 inches - only one inch shorter than a California Condor, which is sometimes mistaken for a small plane.

Looking back at the building from my night photo shoots of last winter.

A Northern Harrier perching briefly.

And then back to making its low, swoopy flights as it hunts for dinner. Then it was time to think about my dinner - hmmm, kind of late... phoned in an order for a vegetarian burrito from Villa Corona.
How funny that you posted about the pelicans and their feeding methods....you must have read my brain waves....because Dave's grandpa was describing having seen pelicans doing this, and Dave asked mewhat I thought they were doing, and I said, "Well, my dad would know."
Beautiful pictures....glad you were able to get back out into the fresh air for a bit!
Nora and I just looked at these pictures again. She loves them!
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