
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Progress Report - Saturday was Big

After over three days of stripping wallpaper, work could proceed in the kitchen and elsewhere. That's Sal on the ladder. He and his crew spent all day Saturday taking out old lighting, installing recessed lights in several rooms, and doing drywall and texturing work. Sal is super nice to work with and does a great job at a reasonable price.
The same shot later in the day. Notice the hanging cabinet is no longer there above the bar.
Well, looks like I won't ever be running for president. Fernando, in front, had his ten year (?) old son helping all day with the drywall work. He was mixing mud, cleaning tools, and masking.

The next day - still rough, but wait until the cabinets are white with brushed nickel hardware, the walls are painted, the trim installed on the lights, the floor is done, and the granite goes in.
Sal hung these two chandeleirs in the living room. Home Depot's very own Hampton Bay, Alta Loma series. I think they add a strong, Tahoe feel.

The front bedroom is now the office.

The hallway also got new lighting. Well, I have been doing my best to stimulate the economy the past couple weeks. Tomorrow, it looks like some serious vacuuming is in order, and then I begin priming and painting the kitchen.


Andria said...

I cannot wait to see those white cabinets. I can't even imagine it! I like thenew chandeliers, and your completely apt description of them!

Wish we were there to help. Nora would be great at masking, sanding, and cleaning tools.

Dave said...

Quite the transformation going on at your house, Bob. I'm looking forward to seeing the final product.