
Friday, May 7, 2010

Back to the Pallisades

I had a nice hike, today, back up to the Pallisades area above Calistoga

The howling wolf rock formation above has caught my eye before.

I often have lunch at the spot where this picture is taken. It is off of a side trail, near a little hidden cascade, with only wildland in sight.

I looked up this plant when I got home. It is called Virgin's Bower, and is a woody vine that can get up to 35 feet tall. Native Americans mashed the leaves and bark to make medicinal soap and shampoo, and boiled the leaves to apply to sores and rashes. Tea was made from its leaves or bark for heaadaches, sore throats and fevers. Dried seed floss is an excellent tinder and the stems have been used to make string. Heck, it must have been the Native Americans' Walmart!

I looked this butterfly up, also. It is a Chalcedon Checkerspot. At higher elevations, its catterpillars can hibernate for several years. That's all.

1 comment:

Andria said...

Very informative. I am always jealous when you post pictures of Pallisades hikes.