Last summer, I hiked up the dry, scorching Zim Zim Creek, in the far northeastern corner of Napa County, and thought it would be a beautiful area in the spring. This past Friday, I returned to the area in style in Dan's '74 Cadillac with his friend Roger. I shared a house on Mt. Veeder with Dan back in 1974 when we both worked at Napa State Hospital. Roger grew up in the Ozarks, without electricity, and never saw a doctor or dentist until he went into the U.S. Army. He was the only student in his grade at his school of 12 students.
On the way to Zim Zim, we saw several bald eagles nesting on poles near the road. Of course I didn't bring my good camera and telephoto as I knew we would be crashing through brush, etc. I hope to return later in April on my own for a little followup on the eagles and osprey around Lake Berryessa.
Lupine and oaks along the trail.
Roger likes to hike alone off trail, hates it if he knows someone else is within ten miles, but will stop and talk to anyone he meets, as Dan put it, like a hound dog who just found a fresh pile of turds.

Here, the falls are in the distance, and there is no trail. We fought our way across steep hillsides and through thick brush.
Dan, getting closer.
Roger approaches the foot of the falls where there is a great swimming hole.
The whole area was burned over a few years ago. The lupine and poppies contrast with the charred trees.
Back to the Caddy for refreshments and the long, but cushy, ride back to Napa.