Sunday night at Ripstein Campground near the trail head.
Dave, Bob, and Nick, Monday morning, ready for the nine mile ascent up Canyon Creek Trail and Boulder Creek Trail.
The trail starts out shady and soft - nice!
From the beginning, Nick had us stopping to examine berries and seeds and sometimes sampling them. I think he was a bear in a previous life.
No trouble fording the streams this time of the year.
Strange seeds on spikes.
One of California's hundreds of wildfires that skirted the trail for a mile or two.
The views started expanding the higher we got.
All the granite gives the Trinities a Sierra feel.
The last mile and a half gained about 600 feet so a dip in Boulder Creek Lakes was needed.
Note Dave's impeccable form, toes pointed, too!
Dave getting our drinking water from next to his feet. Nick and I didn't fall for this obvious move to get fired from this tedious job.
As we watched the sun go down, Dave spotted a bear down below this ledge. We watched it apparently picking berries as it went in and out of the bushes. About a half hour later, Dave spotted another bear much closer to our camp. They never bothered us, but judging by the amount of scat we saw, we knew they were all around.
I strive for candid shots like this one of Dave.
Tuesday morning before moving on towards our next destination - Canyon Creek Lakes.
The trail gets a little sketchy at times.
Blissfully ignorant, Dave didn't realize that Nick and I put some large rocks in his pack to slow him down.
This waterfall would really be spectacular earlier in the year.
This is a female shield back katydid with a very long ovidepositor used to make a hole to bury her eggs. It was approximately 4 feet long.
These berries were almost a good as blueberries (huckleberries?)
We finally reached Lower Canyon Creek Lake. We never saw other humans the whole day.
A little time later and we were at Upper Canyon Creek Lake. We camped the next two nights about a quarter mile beyond this lake.
We called this magical spot "The Grotto". It was next to our campsite and was a stunning place to hang out, take a plunge, and contemplate your feet.
Dave surveys the "haps" at The Grotto.
Dave and Nick doing some kind of coordinated move beneath the ridges and peaks of the "Alps".
On Wednesday, we took a day hike up to L Lake. This is the view looking back down Canyon Creek as we start up the mountain.
Another candid shot of Dave in front of Mt. Hilton, which is close to 9,000 feet elevation.
Pristine L Lake.
We spotted an endangered Trinity furry frog as it sought refuge in the depths below.
Actually, Nick spotted this Cascades frog, a species of concern.
A rare Trinity furry hawk was seen perched on a ledge.
We found this mini grotto to be a cooling spot to have lunch on our way back down to Upper Canyon Creek Lake.
This Cascades frog, a species of concern, blends in perfectly with the speckled granite of the area.
Dave spotted this baby garter snake and then bravely stood watch while I scrambled for the camera.
Back in camp and looking forward to another freeze dried dinner by Mountain House.
This deer was seeking anything that had the taste of salt (sweat) on it. It hung out with us for two days, even following us around the area. It may have been the doe Nick and I dubbed "Socks" three years ago after it stole Nick's socks, belt, and shorts at this very same campsite.
Deer Whisperer Dave.
Socks sucking salt.
This is what bear scat looks like. Note all the seeds.