Smelt Sands, Yachats
(Click on photo for best viewing)
Big Leaf Maple
Ocean Beach
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe - John Muir
On November 13, we spotted a salmon at our swimming hole. The next day, I spent some time staring into the deepest area that I could still see the bottom. I believe I saw at least 6 different salmon that seemed to be paired up. I'm not sure if they were paired up to spawn, or were males chasing each other off. The smaller ones were quite red, and the larger ones were mottled grayish. I believe the larger ones were Chinook. I'm not sure about the smaller ones. Maybe they were Coho. Starting about a mile downriver from us, and heading upstream, is a ban on fishing, as this is a spawning area.
I've been working on my photography, lately, and not being iPhone lazy. I did get a new iMac computer and Adobe Lightroom to tweak raw images. The pictures will look better if you click on them
Brian, Lorie, and Juno, South Beach