
Friday, February 13, 2009

First Speaker Night at IBRRC

Our monthly speaker series started off on the evening of January 22 at the IBRRC classroom. Credit for the photos goes to Liz Drummond.

Monte gave his warm and witty introduction to Jay Holcomb, the director of all IBRRC facilities since 1985. Jay, sitting on the cabinet, is getting ready.

Jay got comfortable as he read his introduction to the book he's writing. He then proceeded to describe his antics as a young wildlife rehabber, followed by the milestones in the development of the current operations.

The audience was mesmerized.

Some humans were in attendance, also.
Meanwhile, the patients keep coming in.

Our new Liz is an intern from Bellingham, England.

Marie and Donna doing an exam. The speakers for next week are Judy Irving and Mark Bittner. Judy was the filmmaker of the award winning documentary "The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill", and Mark, the human subject of the film, was the man who became so personally involved in understanding and aiding the parrots. They are now a couple.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

New Camera Shoots Wild Turkeys

My new camera came last night and what a toy! I ordered a telephoto lens, also, which should help make smaller wildlife, like birds, discernable. This afternoon, a beautiful flock of turkeys showed up above the house. Two males were in full display.
The lighting was a little challenging for a telephoto. I can't wait to have bright morning sun to shoot in.

The waddle brothers.

Fan male?

Making yourself look big is important to a Tom turkey.

Guarding the hens.