
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Jerry and Wanda Come to Yachats

 Our good friends and past neighbors from Carlsbad came to Yachats for a week, leaving yesterday.  They stayed in a beautiful Airbnb home overlooking Yachats and its little bay.  We enjoyed walks, meals, happy hours, and conversation almost daily.

We loved hanging out at their place and enjoying the view.

Wanda and Gail on the beach north of the 804 Trail.

The 804 Trail follows the shore along rocky shelves.  In the foreground is a monument to two young men who drowned in less than eight minutes after being swept off the rocks by a sneaker wave.  

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Pileated Woodpecker

 Yesterday, we had a Pileated Woodpecker spending a long time chiseling away at a dying alder tree.  This woodpecker was cooperative and didn't fly away, but interfering leaves and facing the sun made it impossible to get great pictures.

North America's largest woodpecker, about the size of a crow.  This one is a male as evidenced by the red patch behind the base of its bill.

Pileated Woodpeckers dig for carpenter ants, grubs, and other insects.  

They are monogamous and the pair will defend its territory.  Since they use a nest hole only once, the holes left behind are used by other birds such owls and ducks, and also animals like martins.

I should have had a tripod.  Hand holding a telephoto lens aiming up, looking at a screen rather than being able to press a viewfinder against your head, while standing on a soft slope is a challenge (not to mention my less than steady hands).

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mountain Beaver

 Not far from our home, across the road, along an unused logging road we call "Bear Scratch", we noticed fresh burrows big enough to place a football in.  We suspected the two holes to be the work of Mountain Beavers, which are not beavers at all.  I placed a trail cam near the entrances and left it there for about 5 days.  I recommend enlarging the video to fully appreciate this unique animal.

Mountain Beavers are also called "boomers".  They are not beavers, but are more closely related to squirrels.  They are the only living members of their genus, Aplodontia.  Their primitive renal system requires them to have a constant supply of water or moisture as they cannot concentrate urine.  They are known as "living fossils".

Mountain Beavers are mostly solitary, and their burrow can have many entrances.  They are mostly nocturnal and crepuscular, and eat ferns and seedling trees.  They are seldom seen.

It's possible that this rabbit is using the Mountain Beaver's burrow, as it was recorded on the camera near this entrance on several occasions.  Mountain Beavers have tiny ears and a little stub of a tail.  They can climb trees to nibble on branches and leaves.  The forrest industry considers them pests.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Great Blue Heron

 This Great Blue Heron posed right in front of my trail cam late Saturday afternoon.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Recent Photos

 Below are some photos from the past two weeks.

Red-spotted Garter Snake

Northern Red-legged Frog

While tidepooling on a minus tide, I saw this nudibranch.  I don't know the species of this one (or any for that matter).  Okay, iNaturalist helped me determine this is a Sea Lemon.  Although this one is about 1.5 inches in length, they can get about 7 inches long.

Sea stars have made a remarkable recovery after having been decimated by sea star wasting disease.  Here, they are feeding on mussels.

 A family of Common Mergansers have been around, lately.  They are sure speedy underwater when chasing fish!

August 2nd, SWIFTY did a trip up to North Lincoln County to monitor Purple Martin nest boxes in several locations, and scope out possibilities for adding more boxes.  This is an area on the Siletz River where there are numerous Purple Martin boxes attached to old pilings.  I believe they were made and attached by Eric Horvath about 30 years ago.  He was a good friend of my brother Steve.  We plan to assist Eric build more boxes this winter, as many are falling apart.

Four of these five boxes had active Purple Martin nests, even the one missing its front.  

Paul, Jim, and Wally here.  We stopped at Devil's Lake to check out this potential spot.

This is a picture Jim took of Purple Martins in Florence.  The adult is flying in with an insect to feed one of the nestlings.

Unusual looking thistles we saw in the North County.  Update:  with the help of iNturalist, I learned this plant is wild teasel which is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa.  The dried seed heads were used in the textile industry to raise (tease) the nap of fabrics.

We made a butterfly garden this year, planting butterfly bush, penstemon, Russian sage, sedum, Jerusalem sage, and devil's tobacco.  The poppies volunteered.  Weirdly,  we have had almost zero butterflies this year.  Last year, we had scads of swallowtail butterflies and had to constantly rescue them out of the greenhouse.  The native bees have been loving the garden, though.

Butterfly garden

I went overboard on squash this year, and can barely walk through the vegetable garden.  I like squash because it thrives and the deer don't eat it ( well, maybe a little nip here and there).

Thursday, August 8, 2024

What's This Owl Up To?

 Two nights ago my trail cam pointed at the river caught this owl, probably a Barred Owl.  I'm not sure if it was trying to catch something, bathing, or getting a drink. What do you think?

Below are some frame shots from the above video.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Birds and the Bees

 "Let me tell you 'bout the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees... "    Jewel Akens would be in his glory here right now, as we certainly have birds and bees, and other natural delights, (although maybe his lyrics weren't literally about bees and flowers). 

Last Friday I rode my e-bike over the mountains to Eckman Lake east of Waldport.  It was a 31 mile round trip with about 25 miles being on gravel Forest Service roads.  It is a bit of a maze of logging roads, usually unmarked.  Fortunately, I have a good map app that shows my location via satellite.   

Bye for now 😎